Smile Advantage|Dr. Christopher Phelps // Smile Advantage Partner

Dr. Christopher Phelps

Dr. Christopher Phelps is an entrepreneur, general dentist, and an Amazon best-selling author. He currently practices in Charlotte, NC and is the host of the Dental Slang Podcast.

In his first seven years of practice Chris grew his practice revenue by a factor of 10X:growing from one practice location to four. After selling two of those offices for profit,Chris focused on maximizing the capacity of his remaining two practices and enjoyed two consecutive years of $1,000,000 revenue growth in each of the two practices, effectively collecting with two offices what he had collected when he owned four.

He is the founder and president of Golden Goose Scheduling, The Phelps Institute and Dental Membership Direct. Golden Goose Scheduling helps practices answer and schedule more new patient calls while reactivating patients who are overdue for hygiene care.

The Phelps Institute was founded to train Dentists in both the clinical and business aspects of running their practice.

Dr. Phelps is an expert in the science of ethical influence and persuasion having received his Cialdini Method Certified Trainer (CMCT) certification under acclaimed behavioral scientist, Dr. Robert Cialdini.

Dr. Phelps writes frequently for industry publications such as Dental Economics, Dental Practice Management, Dental Products Report, Dentistry IQ ad Remin Media. He is the author of Grow Your Dental Membership Plan and also published a CE article in Contemporary Esthetics Magazine.

In 2016 and 2018, Dr. Phelps was nominated by his dental colleagues and selected the top honor as the Doctor’s Choice National Dental Award winner.

Due to his high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement, in 2020, he was recognized by the Global Summits Institute as being one of the Top 100 Dentists in the World.